Monday, February 7, 2011

talking to the moon

talking to the moon . salah satu my favourite song . lagu ni mmg best tau . yg paling best nya mase chorus die . 

at night when the stars,
light up my room,
i sit by myself.

talking to the moon,
try to get to you,
in hope you're on,
the other side,
talking to me to,
or am i a fool,
who sits alone,
talking to the moon.

yang itu arr lirik yang paling best kot . kalau korang tak faham dgr je lar lagu yang ade kat blog aq ni . lagi satu lirik pon best gak . itu yang first2 nye lirik . 

i know you are somewhere out there,
somewhere far away,
i want you back,
i want you back,
my neighbours think,
i'm crazy,
but they don't understand,
you're all i have,
you're all i have.

itulah entry lagu ni . tapi last die tak berapa best . tapi korang tak tau ape maksod lagu ni pada aq . mungkin sume tak tau . tapi ada sorang lagi yang tau maksodnya . faham-faham je lah ye . mestilah orang yang dalam gamba blog aq ni . haha . 

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